We bumped again! Hooray! (Remember, that's a good thing.) Still didn't get the boat in front of us though. St Anthony's: we will get you. Oh, and sorry about whacking into your cox yesterday.
Today was different, better. We had a longer race, a longer chase, but we weren't so panicky right at first. So we didn't sprint quite so hard the first bit of the race, since we knew early on that we would be rowing for a while. After knowing what i was going to feel like from yesterday, i somehow descended into my body and was able to stay present the whole time - i actually remember the whole race. I was more alert - i actually heard the calls from coach and cox, instead of just feeling senseless and in pain. There was still pain, but it was somehow understood that it would be there, and so we (me and the pain) could both exist there in that moment. There was still the searing pain in the lungs, but this time i didn't feel like i was going to bonk completely. I felt like i could keep pushing through the tough part, through the pain, and put some power in and row well. I got a second wind, after i was feeling sort of weak and tired, and we powered into the chase. This concept of time is really strange when racing. It feels like two minutes must have taken about twenty minutes. Its incredible - when i stand and watch from the bank, it goes pretty fast and the people in the boat look knackered, like they're working hard, but its hard to remember that i was in another time-zone when i was there on the river in their place. Racing time versus spectator time.
Also, we amazingly missed the SNOW again! It was partly cloudy all day, and then an hour before our race time it started snowing. And it didn't stop, until 10 minutes before we put on the water! It was really miraculous, and our race was sunny and warm-ish. The photos don't do it justice, but show the snow-sun wierdness! Wow. Do it again tomorrow.