16 Nov 2005

Wednesday blues

Something in the air, maybe. Or perhaps the food? Could be the early mornings - i don't know. But, it just so happens that every week around midweek i feel like i've been hit with a load of gloom and doom blues. I need some John-Alex over here! Blues-man, can you help? I'll put on the CD and that'll do. But, do let me know if you're in my area on a wednesday.

Some ranting:
Why don't people take initiative? Ex: If you need to rearrange the boathouse, arrange a time to do that BEFORE your crew is standing there holding the heavy boat. Why have a chat about it when people might drop the boat get hurt?

Why don't people talk to each other? Ex: If we know each other, and we cross paths, isn't it common courtesy to turn to me and say hello? Or maybe just smile? Nothing wrong with smiling. Maybe its a British "don't-embarass-me-by-acknowledging-my-presence" thing.

Why don't people clean up after themselves? Well, all the time.

Who stole my bike light and leatherman? That was really rude, man. And lame. And it cost me 15 quid.

Good enough for now. I already feel better.

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