30 Jan 2008

Species list for the weekend

Nisqually Wildlife Refuge, Saturday
Rainy. Cool. Spectacular.

Bald Eagles (2)
Mallard Duck
Canada Goose
Black tailed deer
Northern Flicker
Northern Harrier
Snow Goose
Common Loon
Steller's Sea Lion
Dark-eyed Junco
Great Heron

Golden Gardens (Seattle City Park, Sunday)
Partly cloudy. Cold. Teeming.
American Widgeon
Brandt's Goose
Barrow's Goldeneye
Common Loon

It was a good weekend.

9 Jan 2008

Randomness and chaos

I wait at the photo section of the store for a few minutes. No one comes. I fidget, look around, find other things to purchase. I check my watch. Finally, the clerk comes along, takes my film and my information, and sends me on my way. Then, i peruse the greeting cards for a while, and finally, i am ready to check out. I count my change, and make my way out the door. I walk two blocks to the bus stop, and find out that a bus is due to come soon. I stand back to wait, and just at that moment, someone calls out "Hello!". I look up, surprised (i don't know hardly anyone in this town, so i am never expecting someone on the street to be talking to me) - it is Peter - one of the ten people i know here! After we have a conversation, my bus comes and he goes on his way.

After this encounter, i realise that it is utterly amazing and beautiful to me that i can run into people i know, at all. It seems so unlikely that things would work together in just such a way, with just such timing (what if i hadn't have taken as much time in the greeting card section? what if i had driven to the store that day?) that i could see someone i know in a city of 3 million people. In fact, the knowledge that anything works at all, simply amazes me. The buses run, pick me up at relatively the right time (and i somehow made it to that place to catch the bus, pay the fare, and ride to my destination). So running into someone, in this world of seeming extreme busy-ness and crowded schedules, chaos and randomness, seems to serve as a prescient reminder that there is always the possibility of synchronicity and happy coincidence.

7 Jan 2008

good sign

good sign
Originally uploaded by n_yoder
Another reason Seattle Is Cool. This sign was posted in a copier room.

Why Seattle is cool

I'm starting a list of all the cool places and things in Seattle. All the reasons why Seattle Is Cool.

Farmer's markets (year-round, marked with street navigation signs)
Vegetarian + local food restaurants of all ilks
Cinerama - huge movie theater, plays sci-fi geek movies
Bumbershoot - "how can you not?"
Shorebirds aplenty
Green Lake
Uwajimaya (largest bestest Asian supermarket)
Good beer
Good wine
Good coffee

This list will keep expanding.