9 Apr 2006

Eyes wide open

Its spring. Sunny (with bouts of rain and cloud), mild temperature. Yesterday i looked up to find a Green Woodpecker cruising the tree outside my window. Then i saw a little deer, tiny new horns (must be a yearling). The days are longer, and the flowers are sprouting. Amongst the glory, there is still furious work. Writing, researching, discussing, contemplating. Ultimately this question re-surfaces again - what is conservation about? We can't prove, scientifically, that we should or need to preserve biodiversity. We have ideas about it, but it seems like all we know is that we have economic and aesthetic/cultural arguments that are the bottom line. So - can scientists be conservationists? Can scientists still be credible, while defending conservation measures on economic or aesthetic arguments?

Back to the sun and flowers.


myblackboxrocks said...

DEER!!!!!! Why can't I have deer in my end of town??? Not fair.

naomi said...

i'm sure you DO! its a matter of looking, in the right place at the right time.