21 Dec 2007

Dungeness Spit, Thanksgiving trip day 1

Originally uploaded by n_yoder
22 Nov 07 (Thanksgiving holiday)

Species list (MANY of the birds are new to my life list):
Harbor seal (2)
Bald Eagle
Hooded Merganser
Surf Scoter
Western Grebe
Hooded Grebe
American Widgeon
Brandt's Goose
Kingfisher (Belted Kingfisher?)
Great Blue Heron
Common Loon
Yellow-billed Loon

Imagine: miles, and miles of pebbles, sand, kelp, and driftwood. This expanse, this hodgepodge of earthforms, only 20 ft wide (less at high tide, i'm told), extending for 6 miles into the ocean, into the Strait of Juan de Fuca. This was a good initiation, into the world of Puget Sound. I've been here before, but its been years and not since i started a new job where one of my tasks involves examining the Puget Sound ecosystem, including the Strait of Juan de Fuca. I arrive at Dungeness Spit, with seemingly new eyes. For an uplander - an inlander? - this is like a foreign land. Salt spray, wet stones, kelp and driftwood - everywhere i look i find things i like to look at and examine closely. The icing on the cake - which was to be the case for the rest of the touched-by-angels trip - was the sunny, perfect weather. There was chatter all throughout, about how unusual and amazing (read: sunny) the weather was. People smiled, downright beamed at each other as they passed walking, as if to say, "did you SEE the sun? did you notice?!". So i noticed, and i gave thanks.

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