30 Jan 2009

laundry list: where i've been in the last 8 months

So its been about 6 months since i posted (er, well, 8 months). That is changing...NOW! And now i'm going to tell you about what i've done in that period of time. Then you'll be caught up, and i can start posting about random bits of life again.

Here are some of the missing pieces:
kayaked in Ski to Sea + went to Japan + went backpacking on Mt Baker + went on field work in Puget Sound + went backpacking in Olympic National Park + went to Nick and Jenna's wedding + friends in town for the wedding + got a new half-job at UW so i work on zooplankton full time + went to Colorado for 10 year celebration of Urgent Action Fund + Neil got back from around the world + visited Sandgraths and Portland for my birthday elected Barack Obama president of the United States of America + sesshin in BC with Norman Fischer (and visited the Vancouver Aquarium!) + Thanksgiving feast of salmon at Neil's + christmas in the Methow Valley, backcountry skiing + new year's party drinks and games at the Goodship + applied for PhD in Oceanography, UW + then its now.

Throw in a smattering of hiking, snowshoeing, birdwatching, reading, concerts, movies, and excellent conversations, and you've got the picture. I'd still love to post stories from Japan on this site at some point, but for now you're caught up. Voila!


myblackboxrocks said...


myblackboxrocks said...

Birdwatching? Hahahahahahahaha...

Archi J said...

Hey..I was searching online about accommodation at St Hilda's and saw your post about your experience at Stockmore house. I will be joining St Hilda's next year. could you give me any insights about accommodation at iffley/tyndale road or alma place for hilda grads?? I would really appreciate your help..thanks!!

naomi said...

hi Archi J,
Sure - why don't you send me your email address, and i can talk to you that way? Please post your address as a comment, here. In short, i was placed in Stockmore house when i first arrived, and applied for a transfer to Jack Straw's Lane. So i knew people who lived in the Iffley Road area, but didn't stay there myself.

archi j said...
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[MizZue] said...

hi, i also would love to know more on the Stockmore house. I was allocated to Stockmore house. I would love to know how it looks like and what are the accommodation availbale..if possible, a glimpse of the room would be suffice. my mail is Kle_vrgal69@yahoo.com