4 May 2010

Green Gulch Farm, wk3

Ok, so i have some photos for you, taken by David at the Slide Ranch open house. Yep, those are baby goats!!

This week we shimmied some time around and worked Sunday, planting potatoes. We planted SO many potatoes. We planted several varieties: yellow fin, russet, and others. So we began by amending the soil on Sunday (gypsum and feather meal), and then planting the potatoes. Our trusty, fearless Farm Tractor People (farm staff drive the tractors) pulled rows for us to plant potatoes in, and other rows for the other veggies. Potatoes get placed in a furrow, then covered by raking the sides into a mound in the middle of the row. Other veggies get plunked in the raised soil surrounded by furrows, two lines per row. So then we also did our second planting (potatoes don't count as a "planting", because they'll stay in the ground until August, when they'll all be harvested around the same time). Most of the non-potato (non-Solanum, in fact) veggies were planted out on Monday. This was all sort of squeezed in real quick-like, because the weather forecast loomed RAIN. And we were just in time: it poured, in torrents, Monday night and Tuesday. So we hurried and planted just before we would have been rained out for another week! Good stuff. Same veggies as last time, maybe a few differences: lots and lots of lettuce, kale, mustard greens, broccoli, cabbage, beets, spinach.

Then the rest of the week, we got a lot of other concise projects on the farm finished: we put out floating row cover over the field crops we'd just planted (except potatoes) for flea beetle, we made more compost piles, we hauled aquatic plants out of the pond. We prepped most of the Kitchen Garden for planting, and we did some commando weeding in one of the residents' yard.

Ed Brown gave the dharma talk on Sunday morning. Then later in the day Sunday we had Japanese tea ceremony demonstration with Meiya, our tea master and teacher, here. The tea room is beautiful, and it was a really nice day. More, soon!

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