10 May 2014

Ocean science questions ANSWERED!: post 5 - Gulf of Mexico

      Q:  How has past and current geology, historic ocean currents and other factors influenced the diversity of the GOM? (Matthew)

       A:     First, lets discuss the geology of the Gulf of Mexico.  The Gulf is considered a passive margin, because its not at the site of an active fault or tectonically active rift, subduction zone or volcanic feature.  It is also dominated by the enormous Mississippi River flowing into it.  The continental shelf varies in length around the Gulf – it extends the farthest around Florida (the Florida Keys are all on the shelf).  The basin itself is also relatively shallow, compared to deep ocean basins.  These features all affect the type of sediment and substrate found at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico – mostly reefs (around Florida) and soft-bottom substrate.  Also, along the northern Gulf continental slope (that’s the steep part between the shelf and the basin, usually about 200 – 3000 m water depth), there are extensive salt domes and carbon-rich deposits embedded in the slope, shelf and continental rise.  This is where all the oil and gas drilling and mining occurs.  Oil and gas deposits suggest that parts of the Gulf of Mexico were filled with carbon-rich deposits (such as plants and animals in abundance living, dying, and becoming deposited on the substrate and subsequently buried).  Such a situation could have occurred with low stands of the sea, where sea level was much lower than it is now (up to 200 m lower), and rivers emptied directly onto the continental shelf.  In such a low stand of the sea, organic deposits could build up and eventually become fossilized or sedimented.  When sea level rose again, the shelf would be covered with water and marine sedimentation would begin again, and thus we see layers of carbon rich deposits and marine sediments. 

      The canyons of the slope and rise are built by turbidity currents.  Turbidity currents are gravity flows of sediment, mobilized with water and remain in motion because of the turbidity.  Turbidity currents move because the sediment is much more dense than water, and so the turbidity of a dense material creates a flow that accumulates as it “runs”, and turbidity currents can blast through the topography at extraordinary speeds.  Turbidity currents leave “turbidites” behind in their wake, or sediments from turbidity currents.  These turbidites resemble riverine delta regions in terms of deposition grain size – the large grains settle out first, then silts and clays last.  Turbidity currents and turbidites are important features of the GoM. 

      As for biodiversity in the Gulf of Mexico, there are connections with the geology and physical oceanography of the basin, as these are often the driving factors behind diversity.  However, also playing a role in biological production are the availability of nutrients and appropriate habitats for each trophic level.  The benthic organisms are the most diverse within the marine species, so if there are good habitats and growth conditions for benthics then there will be high diversity. For this reason, some have chosen to measure substrate diversity as a proxy for biodiversity of the system.  In reality, there are more factors than this contributing, especially including nutrients and recruitment ability of each population.  However, the Gulf plays host to some of the most diverse benthic ecosystems on the planet:  coral reefs.  Reef systems tend to have the most diversity of any marine ecosystem type, the “tropical rainforest” of the sea.  Since the Gulf of Mexico does have some coral reefs, especially in the shelf area off Florida, it can be considered to have relatively high diversity.  Also, as the Gulf of Mexico is NOT a big deep basin with unproductive oceanic gyres in it, the whole of the basin is relatively productive.  This doesn’t necessarily mean its more diverse, but more productivity is a good starting point for being able to have high diversity.  There are smaller mesoscale eddies that transport plankton, nutrients and fish larvae around the basin, along with currents, but there are no upwelling or downwelling features that impact biological productivity on a large scale.  The “global conveyor belt” of thermohaline circulation is such that the Gulf receives surface (warmer, less nutrients) water from the Atlantic, but probably none of the North Atlantic Deep Water or nutrient and oxygen-rich deep waters.  Biological production is limited to the nutrients that are provided via the rivers, Aeolian input and from marine sediments.

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