5 Jul 2006

You go girl

One more thing: big props to the women who apply their makeup on the Tube. Are you crazy?! I saw a woman today, painting her eyebrows in. Its a fine art, as the train jerks along and lurches, she deftly lifts the pencil from her face, and draws a line with the same pointilist method. I've seen this several times now, and i am impressed. I think it should be commissioned as performance art.


Ms. Book Lady 5280 said...

no shit--she should get an award...by the end i could stand, and read...but makeup...by your eyes? amazement...
oh--and i miss the tube...and tell me about the queensway station...even send pictures...the silly thing was right next to me but closed the entire time...

naomi said...

aaah, yes. fine fine art! well, i haven't been to queensway (i do believe its STILL closed). however, today marks the one year memorial of the bombings, so there is an especially somber and quiet feeling on the tube today. we shall overcome...