8 Aug 2006

Henry the boy King and PROMS

Voyage to Stratford-upon-Avon (shakespeare's birthplace) to see Henry VI, part III. I had never heard of Henry VI, much less a story that involved three parts. But the RSC is offering free tickets to people under 30, for the Courtyard Theatre. They are putting on the complete works throughout this year, so we went to see this little-known show.

To my delight, it was fabulous. It was really well done, well choreagraphed. The acting was superb. Henry VI was crowned King when he was 6 months old, and there was a prophesy that he was doomed to fail. Meanwhile, this is the point in time when Richard of York - who will become Richard III, is rising to the scene, fighting in the War of the Roses against Henry's clan. Richard is wicked, tortmented, disfigured and pathetic - all acted superbly. The set was minimal, with nice rust-brushed metal for the floor and tower backdrop. Lots of fighting and blood, but it was as well done as this can be without eliminating it. I also like the power-hungry Queen Margaret - she was a better sword-fighter than Henry was! She wore a tweed dress with a high collar and a sword belt holster. She was fearsome. All in all, they did an excellent job and there was no problem at all following the story. It makes me remember why i love Shakespeare - to see a really well executed show.

Last night was Proms at Royal Albert Hall. This is a summer music extravaganza - there's a concert EVERY DAY for two months. Its classical music, and its incredible. It was created to make classical music accessible to the common people - cheap tickets and great music. What could be better? For 5 pounds, we walked in and sat in about the third row for a Haydn piece and two Mozart pieces, full ensemble and full chorus. It was spectacular, and i plan to go again. It also happens to take place about a block away from the Natural History Museum, where i am many days. Perfect. Nice diversions!

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