2 Sept 2006

Hip Hip Hooray!

Laura and Naomi
Originally uploaded by n_yoder.
Weeks of work. Days of high stress. Late nights. Hard work. Here we are, finished with our dissertations! Yesterday was our due date, and we all submitted on time, for better or worse. It feels like a dream now. All my books are back at the library. All my notes are packed away. It is such a relief, and such a release. There is a reason to write a Master's thesis in 3 months: the reward of feeling free from the stress of reading one more paper, one more book. Digesting that information and incorporating it intelligently into an already complex study. Unfortunately, the side effect is that now its difficult to think clearly, to process. Regardless, i'm proud of all of us! We did so much work, and put in so many collective hours. All of us had moments when we didn't think it would ever be complete. Yet, here we are, tired and worn as we might be. Now we're all off to different corners of the world to spread love and conservation. Great job guys!

Stay tuned for travel diaries from me, as i move around continental Europe for a while.


Ms. Book Lady 5280 said...

congratulations!!! and thanks so much for the sweet birthday wishes...have a wonderful time running across europe...you know who to send postcards too ;) fabulous job and i'll see you in a few months with the cutest little girls ever...

HKONG said...

Wow! Glad I found your blog. Everytime I miss you, I can come read your posting. This is great!!! Have a wonderful trip. I'm off to Sicily tonight. Really sad we couldn't hang out more... but I know and I feel that we'll see each other pretty soon again. :) kisses