8 Nov 2006

Election Day

I had about a week to catch up with friends and family, when i realized it was election time and i started working as a canvasser to get out the vote. Three days of non-stop, walking, talking, hanging literature, revisiting districts, coordinating. This culminates in Tuesday, 7 November: Election Day.

Its early in the morning, long after polls are closed. But the races are not decided. We (Democrats - who did you think?!) are now in control of the House of Representatives. This is a huge step for us, since the House controls which bills are brought to the floor for consideration, among other things. Nancy Pelosi is then the first female Speaker of the House. We contributed to this in Colorado, with the installation of Ed Perlmutter (guess who i voted for!!) as the secure incumbent vacated his spot to run (unsuccessfully) for governor. So we've won a national House seat, we've won Governor, and we've got a Dem majority in the House and Senate in Colorado. Things are going well - in fact, its a revolution. This is the election we should have had - we were all expecting - in 2004, but the installation of a Dem governor is exceptional for our state. We are landing on the map as a place with a progressive base, for my county, (go, Jeffco!) for my state, and for the nation. Thank goodness, and even with all the victories - let it be known that even though Colorado defeated a measure to legalize same sex unions, this issue has only just begun and we will win basic human rights for all couples.

More from the pit, soon.

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