5 Feb 2007

The grind

Okay folks - its been a bit sporadic since i don't have internet access all the time at the moment. Here's what i did yesterday:

Shaw Nature Reserve
(cold + snow)
4 Lazuli Buntings (a first bird for me! - WOW gorgeous ohmygod)
2 Bald Eagle (1 male, 1 female)
4+ Tufted Titmouse (titmice? giggle)
2 Northern Cardinals
Northern Juncoes
Two types of woodpecker, including (i think):
- Yellow-bellied sapsucker (sounds like Star-bellied Sneetches, Dr Seuss)
Hooded Mergansers

It was well worth the cold.

And, day before yesterday:

Forest Park (urban city park)
Belted Kingfisher
Canada Geese

I am now presently moving into my new house, and enduring the frigid temperatures that seem to have followed me from Colorado! Despite anything else, i have discovered this is a good place for birds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hallo! ;)
heh... what mad comments!
what do U suppose about it?