17 Feb 2007

Ice running

Running in Forest Park today. It was cold, windy, and icy (it snowed last night). Despite all that, it was beautiful, and overall dodging the icy patches was pretty fun, like Frogger is fun. In the time when i'm not ice running, i'm starting a list of my favorite St Louis places. Here's the first cut:
  • Hartford Coffee Company. the cool cafe i mentioned in a previous post: they have a play area with toys and small chairs for kids.
  • Forest Park. its huge, and i see awesome birds every time i go. also houses the Zoo, the Art Museum, a theater, an ice skating rink, and more!
  • Saint Louis Coffee House. cafe two blocks from my house, serving coffee and mediterranean food and hookah. open late.
  • Missouri Botanical Gardens. gorgeous. amazing. indescribable - you just have come see it.
The list will grow! More to be added soon.

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